Don't Procrastinate!
*Putting off cutting out all those coupons will get you behind and overwhelmed
*Get help from kids, husbands, Aunts, uncles, and who cares who else as long as they help you with all that cutting and organizing! LOL :)
Ok, here's how I clip my coupons:
Took out all of my Smartsource and Red Plum booklets
Took all of my ads that I wanted from one of the newspapers and set them aside to look at later.
I seperated all three of the Smartsource and Redplum in three different piles.
Then I seperated each page and stacked them on top of each other
Then the cutting began. Cut them while the are stacked on top of each other so you can hit three birds with one stone (or cut) LOL
*I seperate them into piles, as I'm cutting them, of how I have them organized in my coupon book. This does take up a lot of space. So you figure out what works for you.
Then the organizing begins
*Just to let you know, I do have a friend that uses envelopes and an empty baby wipe container to organize her coupons, so if this sounds more inviting, then go for it! She likes that system better. For me, personally, I like to be able to see more than one coupon at a time. I do recommend finding a bag to keep your coupon book in. It's much easier to carry.
*Use a paperclip to clip coupons together when you are at the store. This helps keeps your coupons you are going to use in the store seperated.
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